When we look at the product manual of the mobile phone
signal jammer, we will find that the marked effective interference distance value is generally a general range value, rather than a fixed and precise value. So some customers asked: Why can't the precise value of the interference distance be marked? Some customers even ask us directly: the distance that needs to be interfered is a radius of 10 meters, and one meter more or one meter less will not work. Can a request like this really be fulfilled?
In actual use scenarios, it is impossible to require the interference distance of mobile phone signal jammers to reach an accurate value. Unless it is in a special customized use scenario, for example: on the demarcated borderline, there are completely solid reinforced concrete walls, and the walls are thick enough, then in such a place, mobile phone signal interference After the device is turned on, the interference signal emitted can hardly penetrate the thick wall, and the interference distance is limited to the position of the wall. However, it is important to note that the precise interference distance in this scenario is limited by the walls in the environment, rather than by the adjustment of the mobile phone signal jammer itself.
Although the transmission power of the mobile phone signal jammer is a fixed value, theoretically speaking, the interference signal emitted from its antenna, in the process of transmitting and transmitting to the surroundings, the size and scope of its interference are gradually attenuated. However, whether the signal interference is effective depends on whether the mobile phone signal can completely suppress the base station signal. This is a process of competing and suppressing each other. However, since there may be multiple base stations in the surrounding environment, after the signal of the base station is transmitted over a long distance, the strength of the signal will vary to a certain extent due to the influence of various factors, which further leads to mobile phone The interference signal of the signal jammer is in the process of suppressing the base station signal, resulting in a dynamic change. The specific performance is that the interference distance jumps within a certain range.